Thursday 22 November 2007

Wedding Meal

On Tuesday we were invited to a friend of a friend of Eben's Principal's wedding party. It wasn't so much a party as a throw-together meal. As you can see in the picture below, we had "Poon Choi." It is a big pot with veg, fish, shrimp, chicken, pork, mushrooms and octopus. It was quite yummy- apart from the octopus.

There were loads of tables full of people just coming and going, having a good time, but no sign of a newly-married couple.

Here's a few more pics of the evening:
Matt looks so funny with that hat on!

In other news: Joel should have landed back in the UK now. His Grandad died last week so he's gone to be with his family. That means 10 whole days without seeing each other. I'm missing him already :(

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