Sunday 18 May 2008

Bed bugs

I'll start off with the bad news this week- I'm sure you all already know- of the earthquake in the Sichuan Province in mainland China. There's tens of thousands of people dead, and millions left homeless. Chengdu, where we visited the orphanage at Easter, was badly affected. Robert Glover (of Care for Children) has told us that the children from the orphanage are safe. However, in another town where a lot of children had been put in foster families, was badly hit too and they don't know if those children are safe. I've already donated money to Care for Children and if you want to too go to I don't know about in the UK, but here in Hong Kong HSBC are giving like for like when people donate money through them to the China appeal.

It's been a quiet week this week. I've had my second term observation by the parents and it went well! There was one class and I thought they behaved terribly- they were very overexcited, kept turning round to wave at their mom, dad, or gran, kept shouting and talking- but the parents all marked me "excellent" or "very good"! I did notice that this time I didn't get stage-fright like before. I didn't look at the parents, but last time I didn't need too and my hands were shaking and my legs felt like jelly, so that's good too!

This weekend I booked a hostel room for Saturday night, so I could stay out later after salsa, and I could go to the 9:30am service at church. It wasn't a great room. There were ants and there was mould on the wall. And when I woke up I felt very itchy... I hope the bed bugs enjoyed me... Salsa was great though! I didn't see Jo and Eric, but there was a nice couple originally from Sussex who came with their neighbour (who'd been to our salsa class before). I'm trying to remember what we learnt last night...we mostly built slightly on whatever we did last week. It was good during the after part because I got to dance with Javid and another guy who'd been dancing for longer and they were teaching me new moves. I finally got the hang of the bachata dance too! It's sods law that last night most people left at 11:30pm, and there were only 6 of us left at 12pm... I needn't have booked a hostel room haha. Ah well. I got an early-ish night and woke up nice and early for the sunday service.

Ohh yeah, on Saturday during the day I went to a new 180 women's group being run by Cora and Gabby. It's basically a women's accountability group where we can go and have good, strong fellowship and be able to grow through that. It sounds like it's going to be really good. We'll be able to bring up topics that we feel we need help with or need to talk about, Gabby wants to do some study on women in the Bible and she's been reading books aimed at Christian women which she thinks is really useful and wants to share too. I'm really excited to be a part of it!

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