Sunday, 16 December 2007

Party Time!

This was such a fantastic weekend! Friday was of course my birthday and I had planned on going to see I Am Legend with Jo, Joel, Dan, Jules and Ben. When we got there though it was completely full so we decided to go bowling at the Olympic mall instead. I did so bad the first round- I had 4 goes in a row where I hit NOTHING! Then for the 2nd round when we had the bars up I got so many strikes without actually using the bars. Haha! For tea we went to Triple Os and had the best burgers ever- they serve proper big burgers with fresh salad and really good fries. It's my fave place to eat at the moment.

On Saturday I completed the bible study course at the Vine and then checked myself into the hostel in Causeway Bay. We decided to stay there again tonight so we had somewhere to get ready for the Bollywood Party, which was SO MUCH FUN! Pretty much everyone dressed themselves up. We had a guy called Bosco as a tree- because in all the Bollywood films they dance around a tree hehe. Another guy came as a cowboy to "round up all the indians." And Damian Bos and Silas blacked up their faces and wore ridiculous outfits. All the girls wore sarees or lenghis (i think?). I'll put the picturs up on flickr after. After the food we had a "dance off" girls vs boys and awards. Ashwin got "best bollywood impression of Doctor Evil" haha.
After the party a group of us all headed back to Central and found this "club" place called Sense99. Mike describes it as a bohemian kind of british student house- it's basically someones flat with odd chairs and sofas and they serve the drinks out of a fridge. There's an upstairs room which is painted completely black, with a terrace, and also instruments set up for people to just randomly play. Gretl and Joe had a jam with the drums and bass, and some other guy came and played guitar. Was pretty cool. At about 1am Eric came and then I headed back down to Lan Kwai Fong with him and we danced until 4:30ish. We grabbed breakfast at some random place in Causeway Bay- pork and noodles at 5am yum haha. Yesterday was the first day when I really, really wanted a bag of chips. I miss having a chip shop to pop to when I'm feeling snackish :(
Today will be spent getting ready for our holiday in Cebu. We fly out Thursday night. I'm so excited! Hopefully there will be lots of sun, lots of sand and lots of good food. And good company of course. It is going to be so weird having a hot Christmas...but weird in a good way I hope!

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